At a certain point in the narrative of Barbie (2023), one of the characters makes an acid joke about Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)
One of the great phenomena of pop culture was the collective effort that fans of Zack Snyder did for the Warner Bros. release the director’s cut of Justice League (2017), which underwent reshoots directed by Joss Whedon. In fact, this moment was satirized in Barbie (2023), directed by Greta Gerwig and starring Margot Robbie.
During podcast interview The Joe Rogan Experience, Snyder spoke about various subjects, and addressed the approach to Zack Snyder’s Justice Leaguereleased in the catalog of the then HBO Max (current Max) on March 18, 2021.
“I loved the movie and was actually lampooned by it! There’s a line in the movie that says, ‘I feel like I’m in a dream where all I cared about was the version of Zack Snyder in Justice League.’ That’s a quote from that movie! Literally,” said the filmmaker. “And I say, ‘That’s incredible!'”
My wife says, ‘That’s cool, right?’ That they came after you.
Below, see the full interview and the excerpt in which Zack Snyder talks about his joke in Barbie:
Zack Snyder says he liked Barbie and found it cool that it looks fun at the Snyder Cut lmao
— Cade Onder (@Cade_Onder) March 6, 2024
Source: Rollingstone
Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.