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7 books to help you take care of yourself in the new year


I live as I want to

Irina Gibermann is a well-known psychotherapist, coach and supervisor. Her book is a sharp and honest conversation that sorts out complex issues. About aggression and betrayal, resources and a shadow, guilt and shame, divorce and self-love, raising children, contact with your feelings, self-realization and everything that so excites all of us, modern women.

Internal support

Each chapter of this book seems to lay a brick in the foundation of the basic self-image: “I’m fine.” There are 56 such bricks in total – and they form what the psychologist Anna Babich calls the internal support. By doing the practices, you will learn to be at peace with yourself and survive even the most difficult times. In addition – wise stories from the personal experience of the author and her clients.

A year of self care

Abrupt changes don’t work for 99% of people. Another thing is the acquisition of habits, one per month. Improving the body and mind a little, you will achieve success for a long time. That’s exactly what doctor Jennifer Ashton did – and achieved improvements in all areas of life, from mood to weight. In the book, she described her own experience in detail and compiled a step-by-step program for anyone who wants to repeat it.

you are good enough

This book is for all the good girls who are tired of being like that. “It’s time to get behind yourself,” says psychologist and coach Yulia Tertyshnaya. And he talks in detail about how the feeling of our own insufficiency prevents us from achieving our goals and being happy. Here are exercises that will help you get rid of harmful attitudes and organize your life the way you want.

Don’t let yourself live

A practical guide from an experienced psychiatrist to get rid of 40 patterns of self-destructive behavior: the desire to change other people, self-pity, guilt, procrastination, anger. Recommendations that have helped thousands of patients overcome pain, fears, confusion. And working tips. In a stylish and convenient poketbook format.

The answers are within you

In difficult situations, we are used to turning to anyone: friends, psychologists, social networks – forgetting that the answers to the most important questions lie within us. This book will help open the doors of the soul and heart – and hear the real you. You can read it just like that, or you can refer to it in moments of anxiety, crisis, or when you need to make an important decision. Beneath the cover are inspirational tips and bright visual illustrations.

Why didn’t anyone tell me about this before?

A handbook for anyone interested in psychological well-being. Psychologist Julie Smith has collected the most common problems that each of us faces – self-esteem, fear, bad mood, self-doubt – and effective ways to deal with them. Simple practices that can be easily implemented in everyday life.

Source: Hellomagazine

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