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How to wear a summer dress in winter and not freeze

How to wear a summer dress in winter and not freeze

photo: pexels By layering you will achieve a feeling of warmth Thanks to this simple technique, you can wear a summer dress even in winter. Just layer it right. Long cardigans, blazers, sweaters and coats are a safe bet, plus a long scarf, which will perfectly contribute to the feeling of warmth, and if you […]

The Czech fashion brand Wolfgang brings other simple pieces that gradually build on each other

The Czech fashion brand Wolfgang brings other simple pieces that gradually build on each other

photo: courtesy of Wolfgang The Wolfgang brand is expanding its range with new unisex pieces – but not just for this current season. Wolfgang is a brand that thinks about how the fashion industry affects the environment of all of us and tries to make the environmental footprint of the brand as gentle as possible. […]

Czech fashion brand SegraSegra opens an online thrift store

Czech fashion brand SegraSegra opens an online thrift store

photo: courtesy of SegraSegra The SegraSegra brand offers pieces for women and men, cyclists and mothers who wear their children in a scarf. And according to Dáša Mertová, one of the founders of the brand, it was the last ones who often hesitated to buy, because when the children grow up, they won’t need the […]